O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Economia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro convida para o seu próximo seminário, a ser realizado no dia 31 de julho de 2020. Nesta data, receberemos os professores Robert Blecker (American University), Yun Kim (UMass Boston) e Michael Cauvel (University of Southern Maine). Eles irão apresentar o trabalho "Systems Estimation of a Structural Model of Distribution and Demand in the US Economy".
A série de webinars do PPGE foi concebida com o objetivo de manter unida e ativa a comunidade acadêmica do Instituto de Economia. Ela promoverá discussões sobre temas contemporâneos, comprometida com a pluralidade das ciências econômicas.
Texto disponível em: http://www.postkeynesian.net/downloads/working-papers/PKWP2012-merged.pdf
Webinar: “Systems Estimation of a Structural Model of Distribution and Demand in the US Economy”
Expositores: Robert Blecker, Yun Kim e Michael Cauvel
Data: 31/07/2020
Horário: 14h-15h40 (Brasília)
O Webinar será transmitido no Canal do IE no YouTube: https://youtu.be/ 7WnA5fWmHFg
Os alunos do PPGE podem registrar sua presença e avaliar o seminário no seguinte link: https://forms.gle/ khCCZ4uenHCaw4AU6
UFRJ Graduate Program in Economics invites you to its next webinar to be held on the 31st of July, 2020. Professors Robert Blecker (American University), Yun Kim (UMass Boston) and Michael Cauvel (University of Southern Maine) will present the paper "Systems Estimation of a Structural Model of Distribution and Demand in the US Economy".
PPGE Webinar Series 2020 has the aim of holding together and keeping active the academic community of the Institute of Economics. It will promote plurality and frontier research on contemporary topics on Economics.
Working paper available at: http://www.postkeynesian.net/downloads/working-papers/PKWP2012-merged.pdf
Webinar: “Systems Estimation of a Structural Model of Distribution and Demand in the US Economy”
Presenters: Robert Blecker, Yun Kim and Michael Cauvel
Date: July 31, 2020
Time: 1 pm EDT
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/ 7WnA5fWmHFg