Práticas Ambientais nas empresas industriais brasileiras
DESCRIÇÃO: Apresentação dos resultados do 4º ciclo da Pesquisa de Inovação Semestral do IBGE (Pintec Semestral), realizada em parceria com a UFRJ e a ABDI, focada no tema das práticas ambientais e biotecnologia nas empresas industriais brasileiras.
INFORMAÇÕES GERAIS. Os seminários ocorrerão às segundas-feiras de 16:40-18h na sala 203. A sala tem que ser liberada até 18:15, pois à noite ela é utilizada pelo curso noturno.
Os alunos de mestrado e doutorado em tempo integral têm que obter uma frequência mínima de 75% nos seminários e os demais uma frequência mínima de 50%. Haverá lista de assinatura recolhida no evento presencial.
APRESENTADORA: Elena G. Popkova (Doctor of Economics, Professor at RUDN University (Moscow, Russia)).
DATA: 04/11/2024 HORA:16H40 SALA: 203
INFORMAÇÕES GERAIS. Os seminários ocorrerão às segundas-feiras de 16:40-18h na sala 203. A sala tem que ser liberada até 18:15, pois à noite ela é utilizada pelo curso noturno.
Os alunos de mestrado e doutorado em tempo integral têm que obter uma frequência mínima de 75% nos seminários e os demais uma frequência mínima de 50%. Haverá lista de assinatura recolhida no evento presencial.
6th Agent-Based Macroeconomics Summer School (ABaMSS) 18th February – 27th February 2025 | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
The summer school aims to provide an overview of Agent-Based Macroeconomics (ABM) from both theoretical and applied perspectives. It starts motivating the utilization of a complexity approach to macroeconomics, rooted in models with heterogeneous, interacting agents. It then extensively presents the Agent-Based Computational Economics approach, elucidating various macroeconomic models accounting for endogenous growth, business cycles, crises, development, and climate economic coevolution. The presentation of the models includes potential applications to economic policy issues such as fiscal, monetary, innovation, industrial, labor, and climate-change interventions. Participants will also take part in hands-on ABM implementation labs, gaining exposure to a wide array of techniques, from foundational to cutting-edge methodologies. Moreover, participants will have the opportunity to attend the 2nd Agent-Based Macroeconomics Workshop, and are invited to submit their research papers for presentation during the event.
APPLICATION Apply to the Summer School by filling the Application Form by clicking herewhere you should upload a Short CV and a Letter of Motivation (no longer than 500 words). Up to two recommendation letters are welcome but not mandatory for the application. The summer school language is English.
Participation is free of charge. No accommodation or travel expenses will be covered. However, selected participants may be granted a partial stipend through the Young Scholar Initiative (YSI) of INET, based on application information and travel necessities.
CRITICAL DATES – Deadline for applications: 05/12/2024. – Notification of acceptance: 15/12/2024.
VENUE Avenida Pasteur, 250, Instituto de Economia – Palácio Universitário – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) – Campus da Praia Vermelha, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
SUPPORTING INSTITUTIONS AND ORGANIZERS Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Prof. Ítalo Pedrosa Universidade Estadual de Campinas Prof. Marcelo C. Pereira Universidade de Bras´ılia Profa. Daniela Freddo Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Prof. Andrea Roventini Institute for New Economic Thinking - Young Scholars Initiative Gabriel Petrini
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A nova teoria das vantagens absolutas: questões em aberto
APRESENTAÇÃO: Pedro Siqueira (University of Greenwich) COMENTÁRIOS:João Castro(IE-UFRJ)
REUNIÃO DO GRUPO DE ECONOMIA POLÍTICA DA UFRJ Nessa quarta-feira, a partir das 14h, acontecerá mais um encontro do Grupo de Economia Política da UFRJ com objetivo de discutir a nova teoria das vantagens absolutas. A apresentação será realizada em formato ONLINE por Pedro Siqueira (University of Greenwich) com comentários de João Castro (IE-UFRJ), posteriormente, será aberta a discussão para os presentes. O acesso acontecerá por meio do link:
Industrial Policy and Finance for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth: 2nd Agent-Based Macroeconomics Workshop 20th and 21st of February 2025 | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
The second edition of the Agent-Based Macroeconomics Workshop (ABMW) brings together researchers and policy experts to explore pressing topics at the intersection of economic growth, inequality, industrialization, finance, and climate change. Taking the approach of modeling the economy as an Evolving Complex System, this edition of the workshop is dedicated to advancing our understanding of how industrial policy and finance can be combined to foster sustainable and inclusive growth.
The event welcomes both applied and theoretical research. It will address both global and Brazilian challenges, such as reducing income and wealth inequality, promoting sustainable economic growth, economic stability, and accelerating the green energy transition, by means of a combination of rigorous academic studies and practical policy insights.
The workshop welcomes contributions that address the following key themes:
– industrial policy and innovation; – financing transition to a low-carbon economy; – modeling economical and ecological sustainability; – wealth and income inequalities; – climate change; – green growth and development; – business and financial cycles; – technological and structural change; – labor market dynamics and employment policies; – validation and estimation of agent-based models.
Industrial policy and innovation: Giovanni Dosi (Emeritus Professor, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa).
Additional keynote speakers will be announced soon.
SUBMISSION AND SELECTION Paper submission and participation are free of charge. A limited number of contributions will be selected. Researchers from academia and policy-oriented institutions are encouraged to apply, with preference given to contributions incorporating agent-based modeling approaches. Italian Economic Journal welcomes submissions of papers applying ABM in all areas of economics, presented at the workshop.
Submit your paper or an extended abstract of up to two pages by clicking hereor by copying and pasting in your web browser. We encourage submissions from graduate students and young scholars. Additionally, postdoctoral researchers, Ph.D., and master’s students are invited to apply to the 6th Agent-Based Macroeconomics Summer School (ABaMSS).
No accommodation or travel expenses will be covered. However, selected participants may be granted a partial stipend through the Young Scholar Initiative (YSI) of INET, particularly in the case of graduate students and early career researchers living outside Rio de Janeiro.
CRITICAL DATES – Deadline for applications: 13/12/2024. – Notification of acceptance: 10/01/2025. – Deadline for registration: 26/01/2025
VENUE Avenida Pasteur, 250, Instituto de Economia – Palácio Universitário – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) – Campus da Praia Vermelha, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Prof. Ítalo Pedrosa Universidade Estadual de Campinas Prof. Marcelo C. Pereira Universidade de Brasília Profa. Daniela Freddo Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Prof. Andrea Roventini Institute for New Economic Thinking - Young Scholars Initiative Gabriel Petrini
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